TROPIC TALES - Solo Exhibition by Wong Sze Chit

Venue Support / Closing Performance by EJAR

Sep - Oct 2023

“Strolling through the bustling streets of Hong Kong, everything in the cityscape is constantly undergoing changes. The only familiar constant is this unpredictable subtropical climate.”

In this series of paintings completed between autumn 2021 and summer 2023, the artist Wong Sze Chit draws inspiration from the ever-changing cultural elements encountered in his daily life, particularly drawn from his interests in video games, electronic music, literature and folk beliefs, then blends them into the atmosphere of the urban subtropical climate to create a series of works that burst with vitality.

In Wong's art world, everything has an anima, and even a current of air can possess a will. This natural reverence for nature and inner experience constructs the surrealist fantasy world in his art. Imbued with a childlike perspective, the series has a recurring theme —— the mythical figures from folk beliefs, such as dragons from the ocean and the phoenixes from the skies, serve as the sacred symbols of folklore with intimate emotional significance to the artist. In an era where ever-changing new cultures are permeating every aspect of life, the painter recreates the impressions of modernity by reimagining these unique myths.

With the bold brushstrokes and vibrant colors, Wong emphasizes an intuitive expression that presents a sense of graffiti-like immediacy, and a super-flat sense of space. In some paintings, the various elements collide and layer with each other, bringingforth a reminiscent of the overwhelming information flow in modern life. Through this, the paintings present an intriguing and meditative way of looking into the ephemeral real world.


這一系列於2021年秋天至2023年夏天之間完成的畫作中,黃思哲以日常風景和生活中接觸的、瞬息萬變的各種文化元素作為靈感,尤其取材自平時喜愛的 電玩、電子音樂、傳統信仰等元素,結合城市熱帶氣候的氛圍,創作一系列充滿跳躍感的作品。在他的作品中,萬物皆具有靈,一切皆由宇宙本源幻化而成,一道氣流都可以具有意志,這種自然生成的對大自然、內在經驗的追尋,構建起他所創造的超現實幻想世界。

黃思哲在作品中以童真的視角,主動積極地觀看世界。在一些作品中,各種看似互相矛盾的元素,在碰撞和層疊的過程中逐漸沉澱成和諧的畫面。運用大膽的 筆觸、明亮、碰撞的色彩,強調直覺的表達,呈現街頭塗鴉式的即時感及超扁平空間感。其中反覆出現的主題如民俗信仰中的神話,來自深海的龍、來自天空的鳳凰等,這些民俗神話的符號對他有著個人的情感意義。在強調感官刺激的現代文化席捲而來的年代,他透過不拘一格的符號構建獨特的世界,重塑對現代城市生活的印象。

Foto by Shek Po Kwan