EJAR Artist-in-Residency Programme

Jan - Apr 2022
As the first artist-in-residence project of EJAR, member of the artist collective, Dino Rib will inherit the methodology developed from his last solo exhibition 《Coping》 of “utilising” creative practice as emotion release, i.e. art as coping mechanism towards his own stress. During his residence, Dino will visualise and conceptualise his recent concerns towards numerous topics, messy thoughts and consumed contents in the physical space of the exhibition venue at EJAR. In the second half of the residence, invitation would be sent to limited audience for private visits, hoping to question the meaning and possibility of (not) showing in the status-quo, as well as revisiting communications and distance in the artist-audience relationship.

作為EJAR首個駐場項目,EJAR成員Dino Rib將會延續其上次個展《Coping 曲/平》的方法學,以因應機制 (Coping Mechanism)作語境把創作行為視作情感宣泄的契機 / 藉口以應對壓力。在本次駐場計劃,Dino將嘗試把最近關注的各種議題 / 思緒 / 消費的內容以展覽場地的實體空間對自己展示並企圖整理。駐場的後半部份,Dino將會邀請不同觀眾作私人參觀,一方面希望探討在當下語境中「(不)展示」的意義和可能性,並嘗試重新檢視藝術家-觀眾的溝通方法、關係及距離。