Group Session: EJAR / Per.platform / Stilllive

Venue Support by EJAR

Aug 28, 2022
Eight performance artists - Yuki Kobayashi (founder of Stilllive), Kenneth Choi Yat Ming, Jing Pang, Florence Lam, Liz Pong, Towako Sano (participant of Stilllive), Vivian Wong Wing Lam and Kelvin Yiu - will join members of EJAR to spontaneous perform in EJAR’s space using different materials such as their own bodies, sound and objects. The event format is inspired by Stillllive Performance Art Platform in Japan, and it will begin with a warm-up and exchange session for the participating artists. The event included live performance, sharing and discussion sessions among the artists and the public.

八位行為藝術家 - 小林勇輝(Stilllive創辦人)、蔡逸明、彭靖、Florence Lam、龐莉、佐野桃和子(Stilllive參與藝術家)、王穎琳和姚玠廷與EJAR成員,在EJAR的展覽空間使用不同物料,如自己的身體、聲音和物件進行偶發行為。是次活動的形式靈感來自日本Stillllive行為藝術平台,活動首個環節是藝術家們的熱身和交流。是次活動包括現場表演,分享和討論環節。